- Quit my office job
- Had high hopes for a very busy fall in the kitchen, as was suggested by my chef, but it wasn't as busy as everyone anticipated
- Was working part time...meaning 1-2 shifts a week, sometimes 3
- Cleaned my room, de-cluttered
- Packed my cook books, getting ready to move
- Had way too much time on my hands but it was ok since I needed a bit of a break, plus, my bff is back in town so we spent some good QT and catch-up (meaning video games, food and drinks)
- Tried to save money and not spend too much
- Started my last two classes for my Baking Certificate: Breakfast Breads and Cakes: Classical to Modern
- Bored...getting lazy
- Looked for another job
- Did a stage in the Distillery District
- Volunteered at a couple of cool industry events
- Worked a few days here and there
- Getting more bored...lazier
- Took a trip out to Chicago to visit my bffjmyobfb
- Started to work 6:30 am shifts for a week and a half
- Parties! Parties! Parties!
- Started working at the Distillery District
November 1st to today:
- Splitting my time between both jobs and school
- Learning a shit load of things
- Loving both jobs and school
- Circadian rhythm is all screwed up, tired
- Bags under my eyes, feet hurt
- Face hurts from smiling too much
- ....but happy and excited for all things to come!

omg i'm your biggest fan i'll follow you until you love me papa papa roti!